Good luck guys cant be better than being coached by the masters of their craft. (Alan Smith Ex Crystal Palace manager)

I'd like to thank yourself and all your team for the time and effort put in to coaching Frank this past seven months. After a handful of training sessions and matches the compliments are pouring in from other parents and coaches. I've passed on SEG details to a good number of talented boy's parents and no doubt you'll be contacted. Lastly I'd like to thank the coaches for regaining Frank's love for the game after a knock back from Kent and London Schools (SEG Cricket Parent)

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to all at SEG. Alf has loved the sessions. We've seen a real enthusiasm in him for his cricket throughout the winter, and I think some of the lessons about how to approach the game, his attitude to practice and hard work have been as valuable as the technical development. He played his first match last weekend and batted really well, all the parents commented on how much he'd improved which was a great boost to his confidence. He'd love the chance to come back for the next block of sessions whenever you decide to run them, so please keep us informed. Please pass on our thanks to all the coaches (SEG Cricket Parent).